2020 ReNew Mexico Voter Guide
This year marks the first official launch of our 2020 ReNew Mexico Voter Guide.
With clean, renewable energy making groundbreaking headway in our state, it’s important that voters can make informed decisions and understand some of the most pressing issues of our times, including climate change and the economic impact of renewable energy project development. For this reason, we created the following Voter Guide to help educate voters and all state residents.
Down below we are including all candidates’ responses to pressing questions regarding our state’s future economic development and job market in the renewable energy industry, the need for energy infrastructure, opposing potential taxes on energy generated from renewable sources.
We ask that you take these answers into consideration when evaluating candidates in the upcoming election as well as public officials and public policy decisions in the years to come.
Elected Official and Candidates’ Responses to Pressing Questions:
- SD09 Brenda McKenna
- SD12 Gerald Ortiz Y Pino
- SD19 Claudia Risner
- SD19 John McDivitt
- SD21 Athena Christodoulou
- SD38 Carrie Hamblen
- HD08 Paul Kinzelman
- HD12 Brittney Barreras
- HD17 Scott Goodman
- HD28 Jason Vaillancourt
- HD29 Joy Garratt
- HD30 John Jones
- HD37 Joanne Ferrary
- HD44 Gary Tripp
- HD52 John Foreman
- HD52 Doreen Gallegos
- HD57 Billie Helean