Clines Corners was once a prominent stop on Route 66 on the way into Albuquerque. Many people still use it today traveling along Interstate-40. I remember stopping many times to look up and see the iconic Clines Corners sign. That iconic sign that everyone associates with was the only form of major economic income in Clines Corners other than commuting to Moriarty or other places. That will hopefully change with a new wind farm.
On October 10th, 2019, the Public Regulation Commission (PRC) approved the location for a new wind farm near Clines Corners. This is a great step in bringing more renewable energy into the energy mix in New Mexico. However, as is the case for all forms of energy, we need transmission systems to get that energy from point A to point B.
Transmission systems are needed to move wind and solar energy sources from their production sites to our homes and businesses. New Mexico is growing and our need for more infrastructure will only increase with that growth. This can help places like Clines Corners grow.
The Clines Corners Wind Farm, as an example, can transmit over 600 megawatts of power a year which is enough to power thousands of homes with clean energy. However, if there is not substantial storage and transmission to transport that power, the energy produced goes to waste.