ReNew Mexico interviewed Ann McCartney of Valencia Renewables to talk through the group’s current initiatives. Read more below:
ReNew Mexico is excited to shine a spotlight on one of our community partners, Valencia Renewables (VR). VR is a local, grassroots group working to facilitate and increase renewable energy and efficiency measures in Valencia County and nearby municipalities for the past four years. They have worked with local government officials to find solutions that both decrease the energy usage of government buildings and save Valencia County money.
VR members are primarily local residents who formed out of the Valencia County Democratic Women environmental policy and action sub-group. VR’s initial efforts centered on energy efficiency and their first goal was to reduce energy usage in Valencia County. Their current primary focus has been communicating with the Valencia County Commission to implement Energy Performance Savings Contracting (EPSC). EPSC is a state tool that allows municipalities to undergo energy efficiency upgrades by hiring approved companies to improve energy technology for government-owned properties. The costs of the projects are paid through the ultimate energy savings. It’s a win-win-win measure, because overall electricity bills are lower, the designated buildings get upgrades at no upfront cost, and the County saves even more money once the savings pay back the upgrades.
The VR team has served as the liaison between nearly all relevant parties–from the energy companies, to the government officials and managers, to contacts from other counties who have already implemented EPSC measures. VR remains committed to moving energy efficiency and renewable energy forward because they see it as a practical reality where the technology to meet these goals is growing cheaper and more efficient each year. They also see it as a way to improve their communities– from bettering health outcomes to reducing greenhouse emissions and providing a stable job market for Valencia residents, which the growing industry will soon provide.
Moving forward, the VR team will continue working to shift the public perception of energy efficiency and renewable generation. At ReNew Mexico, we are proud to elevate VR’s voice and message to change the narrative around renewable energy and the host of benefits it can provide to our communities. If you are interested in getting involved with Valencia Renewables and the Energy Savings Performance Contracting measures, you can email Ann McCartney at